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When you arrive at the top of Idanre Hills, you move to South-South Nigeria to a much higher hill that requires you to use more of your brain power to progress quickly. Learners progress to this level after completion of Idanre and they are introduced to blending and diagraphs.
Course Currilcum
- ai-sound Unlimited
- oa ow-sound Unlimited
- ee-or -sound Unlimited
- ie-igh -sound Unlimited
- ZiBA Story I Unlimited
- ng-sound Unlimited
- oi-oy- sound Unlimited
- ch- sound Unlimited
- th-sound Unlimited
- ZiBA Story II Unlimited
- oa-aw-oe-sound Unlimited
- ou-sound Unlimited
- ea-sound Unlimited
- ue-sound Unlimited
- sh-sound Unlimited
- Alternatives. ae-sound Unlimited
- ZiBA Story III Unlimited
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